• Methodology: 

Risk Management is keeping an asset integer in such a way that it operates as specified and is maintained in a way that the risk to people, environment, asset and corporates reputation arising from its failure is lowered as much as possible.

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is a methodology conducted based on the standards API 580 / API 581, by which the total risk of failure and damages of a plant is maintained and controlled. 

  • Software:

Wide range of applicable standards as well as huge number of components used in an industrial complex (such as refineries or petrochemical plants) urges the asset owners to use an analytical software rather than manual data gathering and data process. Furthermore, the risk concepts of a big industrial complex are too complicated to be assessed and analysed manually.

Qualitake is providing an advanced RBI software to implement the RBI methodology in refineries and petrochemical plants using a quantitative method.